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dream interpretation broken teeth
Broken teeth dream meaning: Instability and search for balance
Dreaming that your teeth are breaking isn’t generally associated with positive feelings. When you want to find out the meaning of your dream, take it as a useful clue: Because your dream contains imagery and symbols that stimulate negative emotions, it may refer to something disruptive that is undermining your balance in your waking life.
How to interpret broken teeth or teeth breaking? A good starting place is to think about what is or could disrupt balance, pleasure, well-being in your life. Seeing broken teeth indicates that your foundations or stability is being challenged.
Check how this could refer to a situation or feelings in your waking life to get a key on how to interpret your dream of broken teeth.
Dream interpretation of broken teeth: Questioning reliability & trustworthiness
A broken tooth or breaking teeth in dreams denote that something is unreliable in your life. The dream could point to you or other people. Broken teeth could represent doubts or concerns over the reliability of your health, aging of your body, or physical appearance.
Become your own dream interpreter
Accurate dream interpretation does not require you a become a clairvoyant or psychic who can do readings to predict the future, nor an astrologer who knows how to read horoscopes and make forecasts based on your zodiac sign.
Serious dream work compels you to engage your intellect, imagination, and intuition together. It engages both sides of your brain by combining activities associated with the analytical left hemisphere and the intuitive and holistic right hemisphere. Dream interpretation is both intuitive and intellectual, and as such, it can be part of a rich process of personal development.
Unlike the predictions found in horoscopes or psychic readings, dream interpretation relies on your active participation. When you interpret your dreams, put yourself in the shoes of the dream interpreter who understands the symbols and meanings of your dreams the best.
This dream symbol could also point to things you have said that may or may not be really trustworthy. A broken tooth or teeth would symbolize guilt you feel about a broken promise or concerns over promises you or others cannot depend on.
A broken tooth, dream symbol for pain and loss
Broken teeth symbolize pain over losing something that is important to you. You may be currently experiencing changes in your life, transitioning from one place or job to another, ending a relationship or working on modifying your habits.
Dreaming about teeth breaking is a common symbol for concerns over change and loss. Your dream could point to the fear of getting hurt emotionally and perhaps physically as well by an upcoming situation or by someone.
When dreaming about broken teeth means costly compromises
A dream about teeth breaking can be interpreted as a warning about the cost of a decision or action. You may have or are about to make a choice that compromises with your real needs or desires. Broken teeth may represent the emotional pain that comes with such a choice.
A costly compromise is like losing a part of you or denying important needs. Through an image related to the body, a broken tooth or teeth, your dream is most likely pointing to the emotional pain that your decision triggered.
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Broken teeth in dreams: An invitation to look at your life direction
A meaning of a dream about teeth breaking could be that you are “breaking” yourself and your sense of balance in order to satisfy others or goals that do not serve you well in the end. Dreaming about broken teeth could be a warning about a course of action you have chosen and its potential drawbacks.
A broken teeth dream is an invitation to look at the path you have chosen. Check if you are losing sight of yourself and your true needs by going after some ideals that may not align with who you truly are or by compromising too much to fit with other people’s expectations.
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Note about dream interpretation
This site provides information and techniques, so you can become your own dream interpretation expert. Psychics and fortune tellers can tell you that they do readings and predict your future; astrologers look into your astrological chart to predict your horoscope; but to interpret what your dreams really mean, you ultimately need to become your own dream interpreter.